Sunday, May 30, 2010

luahan hati

29 May 2010 : keluar ke Alamanda bersama rozzana
nak tgk movie terbaru selepas kiteorg balik dari kenduri kahwin sedara
kononnya pilih Alamanda senang cari parking dan tak sesak
yela, dh pukul berapa pulak kan kiteorg keluar dari rumah
alih2, ramai pulak keluarga2 bershopping di sana.aduh

dh dpt parking, pegi beli tiket pulak
tiket utk pukul 5 sudah SOLD OUT. damn!
sbb kiteorg nk sgt tgk citer tu
so beli la utk pukul 6.


waktu tu jam aku, jarum pendek kat no 3 jarum panjang kat no 6.
how cool is that huh?
2 and half hours kena tggu babe!
macam haram
mati kutu dibuatnya
ntah berapa kali kiteorg round Alamanda yg ada banyak kedai tu.
*nasib baik tak kira
lepak makan jap dan round lagi.
smpi la di MPH
k.zana terjumpa dgn kawan dia masa dieorg sama2 jadi penghuni kolej jati dulu (part 2)
zaman dieorg buat diploma di ITM, *nowdays UiTM
tau la bila dh jumpa kawan lama
dah macam makcik bedah jumpa makcik senah dah.
aku pulak apa lagi, baca semua magazine kat situ la
tapi boleh dikatakan lama juga kiteorg di MPH


yg penting tak perasan pn dh nk pukul 6pm.hehe
begitu cepat masa berlalu
nasib baik ada MPH tau

hasil 2 and half hours berbaloi
yeah. memang sangat style citer ni
Jake Gyllenhaal, the way you act and bring your character into the movie
SUPERB sangat2 ok
4 + 1/2 bintang! :)


smpi je kat rumah
ouh!! cutenya anak aku!
chicky tggu mama dia balik depan pintu
macam tau2 je aku beli stok makanan baru utk dia
alah.habis cute la tu
jangan harap aku belikan ikan paus utk kau lepas ni
hahahaha :)


tidak diberikan peruntukan modal yg banyak utk beli barang2 kelengkapan hantaran. ingat farhana, ni customer punya bajet bukan kau. Memang mencabar kali ni sbb betul2 LIMIT! tapi tetap mcm biasa, aku paling meroyan bila pegi kedai yg jual barangan keperluan perkahwinan, macam2 ada. Si cinta hati saja tau cmne meroyannya saya bila dpt pegi kedai mcm tu *bukan dh berangan nak kahwin ok. tapi mmg dh minat sangat2 buat keje mcm ni. suka tgk accessories utk hantaran.cantik2 i tell you. kalau boleh nak borong satu kedai. suka sangat2 lah, full stop. Biasa sebelum beli barang2, aku dah ada idea dan konsep utk hantaran yg nk dibuat. Kali ni ada sedikit berbeza, aku main terjah je beli barang tanpa sebarang idea. Mahu tak terduduk jap cari idea kat kedai tu.giler slumber kan. peduli apa, ada aku kesah? Tapi sumpah idea tak dtg2 jgk, mana la peginya dieorg lari ni. jangan lari jauh2 wahai ideaku. tak terlarat nk kejar. aku sudah gemok, semput :( malas nk serabut lagi so beli je lah.

Smpi rumah apa lagi, mula buat keje lah. Tgh syok melayan riben dan gam, tiba2............


baru dtg idea yg sgt best. bernas. cute. murah dan yg penting masih under bajet tau! Akhirnya, aku boleh tersenyum puas! Suka sangat barangkali. yeah suka sangat mcm dapat beg Chanel satu container! kenapa baru sekarang nk datang wahai ideaku?? damn shittt!!!! pfffttttt.!!! nk menyesal pun tak guna. Barang semua sudah beli, kena teruskan juga lah. idea tu boleh digunakan for next customer lah. * cuba memotivatekan diri ni. hui, positive.positive.

sumpah giler frust!!!!


Main riben dan gam smpi melecur jari kena gam panas. Tgk jam rupanya dah pukul 5am. Patut la buat keje pun smpi lecur jari. Tangan ni sudah mintak bantal rupanya. :)

esok sambung buat lagi yaa

good night-

*lelakiku pasti dh smpi ke planet barangkali

ps : pengajaran yg ingin dikongsi bersama, apabila kita ingin melakukan sesuatu perkara mulakan lah dgn perancangan yaa. bukan main terjah saja. pasti menyesal kesudahannya nnt :(

Friday, May 28, 2010

It's not just what you eat, it's how you eat

Try not to think certain foods as off limits.

If you are drown towards sweet, salty or unhealthy foods, start by reducing portion sizes and not eating them as often. later you may find yourself craving them less or thinking of them as only occasional indulgences.

Take time to chew your food and enjoy mealtimes.

Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite. We tend to rush though our meals, forgetting to actually taste the flavors and feel the textures of what is in our mouths. If we do so, we will enjoy of eating our meals. :)

Listen to your body.

Ask yourself if you are really hungry, or have a glass of water to see if you are thirsty instead of hungry. During a meal, stop eating before you feel full. It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly ok!

Eat breakfast, and eat smaller meals throughout the day.

A healthy breakfast can jumpstart your metabolism, and eating small, healthy meals throughout the day, keeps your energy up and your metabolism going.

Avoid eating in front of TV.

It’s will allow you to model unhealthy eating habits. As we’ve known, most of people love to take unhealthy foods. At the same time, you will eat higher amount of meals during watching your favourite show without realise how much you have eaten actually.

ps : please say LOVE to your body before it's too LATE. tQ

with loves,


Thursday, May 27, 2010

the most favorite

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are

I had to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I've set you apart

Tell me your secrets
And ask me your questions
Oh, let's go back to the start

Running in circles

Coming up tails
Heads on the science apart

Nobody said it was easy

It's such a shame for us to part

Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start

I was just guessing

At numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart

Questions of science

Science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart

Oh tell me you love me

Come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start

Running in circles

Chasing our tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy

Oh, it's such a shame for us to part

Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard

I’m going back to the start

mood : layan semua lagu2 favorite saya

i'm proud of you

girlfriend saya, elda telah menjalani operation semalam di Hospital Putrajaya
alhamdullilah semua berjalan dgn lancar
saya nk berkongsi sedikit pasal
5 perkara yg saya rasa awak hebat......

  • dengan penuh berani dan cerianya awak masuk bilik operation tanpa rasa takut pun.

  • boleh rancak berborak, bergelak tawa dgn semua pelawat awak selepas operation.

  • tak fikir sakit pun, awak masih nk berchill out dgn kiteorg semua.

  • awak boleh bersiar2 lagi di Alamanda selepas keluar dari hospital (tak smpi 4jam pn selepas operation).

  • dan awak masih boleh lagi pulang ke rumah. siap tukar heels lagi!

wah. elda.

awak memang hebat!

saya kagum dgn keberanian dan semangat awak

moga2 cepat la sembuh yaa

banyakkan rehat

nanti kita boleh main skate balik :)

lihat tu! masih menanggung lagi kesakitan tapi tetap lagi ceria

wah. pelawat pn nk masuk frame jgk ni.hehehe
sikit pn elda takde rupa muka org sakit pn kan.sangat kagum dgn mu dada!

tak sampi 10jam pn, dia dh boleh say bye2 kat nurse
bukan main seronok dia dpt keluar wad :)

we always ♥ you

ps : akhirnya dpt tgk Shrek Forever After.tQ rozzana :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

wah.seronok bila mendapat 2 job baru.
rezeki tuhan beri. alhamdulillah

*tambah berat tabungku itu, bunyi pun sudah lain sikit barangkali :)
assignment sudah diberi
apa lagi, jgn goyang kaki
mulakan assignment anda cepat!!

dear idea, please come to me. i need your creative ideas.

its all about makan & makan

k.anis bermalam di rumah
*k.anis : nazri's fiancee
mahu berbarbeque
macam-macam ada
ditambahkan pula dgn sambal asam buatan mak
terbaik sungguh
lagi terliur dibuatnya
mmg saya off diet lah!
seronok main bakar2.
nasib baik tak terbakar pokok2 sekali
family time + kekenyangan = SUKA

p/s : k.azeeta jgn jealous dgn mug hello kitty saya yaa. sbb saya tau ia begitu cute :)

dear friend
no matter what happen
we will going through together because
we you

the end

Sunday, May 23, 2010


i'm back!
finally, have time to update my blog
ok continue.......

2o may 2010

as i promise before
here the pictures that i want to share
what we've did last Thursday

Sunway Pyramid

si gadis

si jejaka

skate dgn seronok dan happynya
lagi2 elda syg
terpancar kegembiraan kan
lihat tu! :)

ini favorite saya
meraka sweetkan

*sugarsugar yaa tasha :)


indah bukan? sayangnya hujan. tak dpt nk teroka semuanya smpi penat kaki (>,<)

ini cantik! tapi sibuk je yg blkg sekali tu.
*redzuan jgn marah nanti kena jual :)

girlfriends saya

redz .. me .. elda .. tasha .. aspa .. ecam
*jep missing in action

kami lagi

dan lagi.ouh suka :)
*credit to ikhwan jaafar

ikhwan & natasha

redzuan & anna

sham & elda

sumpah seronok sangat2 lepak dgn korg
mmg penat tapi larat je berjalan
nanti kita lepak lagi yaa :)

22 may 2010

rozzana and i more prefer go to cinema rather than stay at home, watching final AF concert
anna says : what we should do on Saturday night yaa? i'm so bored. taknak tgk AF
rozzana says : movie lah!
and i said, JOM!!

straight away i booked 2 tickets for this movie
*my sis yg pilih

the story is quite ok
not too bored
so i give 3 and half star

24 may 2010

flu + cough + stomach ache
sumpah suka sangat hari ni
full stop.

-good night-

mood : hunny i need you!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


members : gfs, ecam, jeps and my lover
venue : Sunway Pyramid, Barra, i-City

lepak + ice skating + lepak + i-city
we've so much fun. TOTALLY
*walaupun hujan di malam hari :)
lain hari kita lepak lagi ok? hehe

p/s : just only this picture i can share
other pictures will be arrived SOON!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

ini khas untuk redzuan

4 sebab kenapa saya cukup meroyan nakkan princess :-
  • sebab dia putih dan gebu!ouh geramnya
  • sebab saya nak ada teman baru. ehem, teman baru utk louie dan chicky juga :)
  • sebab saya nk awak hadiahkan. hehe. melampau sgt ke permintaan saya ni? hehe
  • sebab saya NAK JUGAK LAH. tak kira. hehe


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today Is Wednesday

hari yg membosankan
mati kutu dibuatnya
menghadap lappy hingga bosan
tekakku sakit
tak terkata peritnya

chicky peneman setia sepanjang hari
dia pun sibuk berfacebook-ing bersama
ada-ada saja lah kamu
louieku masih menjalani hukumannya
tapi wahai louie tersayang, mama tetap kamu sgt2 tau!
ini cuma sementara syg
percayalah :)

harap dpt melaksanakan aktiviti esok bersama teman2 dan cinta hati
sudah lama tidak ber-ice skating beramai2 ni
terlebih excited sudah.hehe

KEPADA CINTA HATI : ehem, habis keje je cepat2 lah jumpa saya ok.
awak lambat, saya majok 60 minit!


movie yg ditunggu2 kini kembali!

oh. can't wait to watch this movie


Dear Redzuan,
Like ne-yo said, for rare and unexpected friend
But now you open it up to take a look.

I never knew that you will be a part of my book.
You’ve try to playing hard to having it.
You open it slowly.
Give fully commitment and patience.
And that I can see through your little eyes.
The sincerity,
The kindness,
The willingness,
The patience,
Until make me wanna to try to create a new book.

Now, new book is totally provided.
The new chapter is begin.
With new series,
New adventure,
New drama,
New character that will put into it
Many scenes will be taken.

Love to say,
Congrates you’re fully success to having
the main character of the story.
We’re the cover for the main page of the book.
I need you to complete every single scene.
Forever and always
Full with colorful of happiness.
It can be uncompleted without you.
And I love to know what will happen next.
Lets begin making the story.

I admit you were a part of my book.
oh. so lovely hunny.
awak mesti ingt kan?hehe :)
selamat bekerja kepada anda saya ucapkan
bekerjalah dgn penuh dedikasi dan rajinnya yaa bulat
saya sentiasa awak tau!